Tuesday, July 05, 2005

body searched!!

I'm sure that most of my pals knew that i'm currently working part time as a cashier in tesco malacca. so i dont think i need to elaborate on that. guess what??!! last week, i was short of 50 bucks from my bloody counter!! please dont ask me how on earth did that happen? trust me, i seriously dont know.... i thought i was being very cautious and i counted every single cent that was handed to me by the customers and the change that i gave to the customers in return.... at least twice!! but i have a feeling that this 50 bucks error was a result of a technical error. Because there was this once when i have scanned all the items and after that i pressed "enter" and then "cash" a procedure that has to be done whenever I have finished scanning everything. So, after doing that, i keyed in the amount that i received from the customer... the total to pay was RM50..something but the customer gave me 100 bucks.... so when i keyed in that amount.. and instead of giving me back the change, the stupid computer thought the 100 bucks was a product and added it to the total that the customer had to pay... so .. after trying a few times.... the computer screen still showed me the same bloody thing. so, as the customer was getting agitated.. i then decided to take matters in my own hands..... trying to be a smart ass that is.... i rescanned everything all over again and my mistake was, i failed to void the first receipt. so as a result of that, the cash received didnt tally with the sales. the journal showed that 2 transactions were made but on the other hand there was only 1 transaction. in layman terms, it was like as if there were 2 customers but there was only cash received from 1 customer. so that was how the 50 bucks short problem cropped up. plus, i thought that i was too smart to call for assistance.. until when it was time for closing... and when the section manager came to check the sales for the day, he noticed that my till aka drawer was 50 bucks short.. and he suspected and assumed that i stole that bloody 50 bucks...
so, he summoned the security guards and ordered that i shall be body searched.... what the fcuk??! then at first i thought.... ok it wouldnt be that bad you know.... as i'm definitely not guilty of stealing that money... so it should be ok....right? i mean, i stood for 6 hours straight, scanning items and carrying heavy stuff like rice, weights.. you know.. those weights that guys used to buff their muscles up.. those things were damn bloody heavy. and plus... i was the only person at my counter... so i had to scan and pack all by myself... and i must do it fast and accurate because there was already a bee line at my counter. and plus... there were a few section managers who were monitoring our every move.... so i guess you guys can imagine how stressed up i was... i didnt even have the time to catch my breath or to take a sip of water or needless to say to attend to my nature call and i didnt even have the time to sit down.. and they thought that i had the bloody time to steal their money!! sheesh... why dont those people get a life!! i'm a person of principles and ethics.... i definitely know and can differentiate what is right or wrong. i've been raised that way ever since i can talk.hehe...
i worked damn hard for that 6 bloody hours.. with all the enthusiasm in the world and i even took the trouble to greet and smile at each and every customer....yeah most of you must be thinking that man.... did i actually have the time to do that? but yeah we, cashiers have to you know...it's part and parcel of our job. and at the end of the day, all i hoped for was to go home and rest my tired feet, eyes, arms, back and my brain...mind you.... by the time all the customers went back, it was already around 12 a.m. and i didnt even take my dinner cozzz i had a late lunch and i wasnt hungry... so i just chowed down a glass of milo and some fruits before i departed for tesco.. and you guys can imagine that with all those energy used up.... i was damn hungry and starving to the extent that i thought i was going to drop dead anytime... i could actually feel the energy sipping away from my tired and bruised body... and plus.... i even sprained my right pinky... you know..our little finger while i carried the bloody weights....
and my eyes were a little blood shot as i was damn tired....i always do get blood shot eyes whenever i'm tired or when i used my eyes a little too much...
and i worked at top speed that day.... i've never worked at such a fast pace in my entire freaking life before... and whoever who has this perception that cashiers are nobodys..... that they are just a bunch of school dropouts or just mere SPM holders and the reason that they are working as cashiers is because they are idiots and they failed to qualify for universities..
and those of you who have the assumption that cashiering is easy....well THINK AGAIN! well, most cashiers might be just school dropouts and spm holders.... and they might be less intelligent..... but we must respect cashiers and appreciate what they are doing.. cozzz trust me.... cashiering is not that easy as it seems.... it is a damn bloody intense job i tell you......
i, myself have never felt so much intensity and tension and stress in my entire life before... cashiering cannot be compared to exams at all...... exams are nothing..... i used to think that exams are the killers.... you know.... but after this experience.... i would tell you that exams are just like a piece of cake....peanuts..... easy! well not so... haha.... cozzz in exams if you couldnt answer a question..... you would still have other questions to help you to score... it's definitely not the same in cashiering..... you cannot afford the slightest mistake at all... none.... 0% error! if there's any error.... then you'll have either shortages or excesses in your till and i tell you... that wouldnt be good when your section manager finds out..... you'll be accused of stealing the shortages.... just like my very own case! and they wouldnt care whatever your lame reasons are....
once your till has quite a large sum of shortages.. then you are subjected to be body searched!!

ok so back to my case...so when the security guards escorted me to the investigation room.... i was totally shocked when they asked me to strip completely..... yeah.. COMPLETELY including my undergarments!! and who on earth would be that stupid to just follow the orders blindly??!! i totally refused to follow their orders.. it's not like i was guilty of stealing that 50 bucks.... and that was why i refused to strip.... it was more to my dignity and principles.... i mean... i dont even strip infront of my mum, other than during my infant and toddler days and it was only because i was too young and helpless to clean and dress myself up....well..... come to think of it...i guess the only time that i was completely naked infront of strangers was the day that i was born... hehe

get a grip man.... and now... i've to strip infront of some female security guards??! it's definitely a big NO from me.... and when i just sat there and showed my pouty, angry and teary face... refusing to follow the orders....in came some bloody male guards... yelling and threatening me..... what the fcuk again!! they were like demanding that i strip right now or else they would bring me to the cops and the female cops would body search me instead...well being a hard head .. i told them this.. straight in their angry faces.... "NO! as this is something that i'll NEVER DO!!!!" "as it's so against my principles". actually, it was supposed to be a very simple procedure.. and it would probably take only like 5 minutes......that is if you co-operate with them and strip immediately when you are ordered to of course.....but i dragged it on for about 1 and a half hours!! ha ha serve them right....well.... i can be very stubborn and very difficult when i want to.... especially when i feel that my rights have been violated by the bunch of bloody security guards.......

then i requested that i want to call my parents first.... but guess what.... they even refused to let me contact my parents to inform them about the incident. i told the guards that i want to inform my parents about this and to tell them that i might be back late... but they still didnt allow me to call... so fine.....

and they were telling me that if i really didnt take the money then i should be able to strip when i'm ordered to...it's as if i was hiding the money somewhere that i refused to strip.....what the fcu... ok enough with the swears already.... haha..... and i told them that i wouldnt do anything until i'm allowed to contact my parents....but sadly they still refused..... so.. then i asked that whether it's ok for me to pay the 50 bucks myself and skip the stripping thing... then they said.... NO.... they told me that even if i offered 5 thousand bucks they would still say NO..... damn.... they didnt even want my money so fine....they kept telling me that it is their company policy and stuff.. utter bull!!
Then, i told them that it wasnt my intention and motive from the start to come to tesco to work and then to steal their bloody money. i told them that the word STEAL is never in my dictionary..!! well...honestly i might have told a few white lies or so throughout my life BUT only to save my ass and to get my ass out of trouble.... i mean come on..... you readers out there....i'm sure all of you have told a few white lies now and then right.... nobody's perfect.... nobody's a saint.... nobody's this holy and religious and a goody two shoes that they didnt even tell a single lie before in their entire life! if someone comes up to me and tells me that he or she has not told a single lie before in their entire life.. then it's total BULLSHIT!! in fact that person who tells me this is in fact telling a lie straight into my face....if any of you readers know a friend or anyone that really has not told a single lie before... please bring him or her to me and introduce that fella to me..... i would really love to meet that fella... i'm sure even the late pope, john paul the 2nd might have told a lie before.....

ok... back to the story.....i told them that i came to tesco to work and to gain new exposures and experiences and to learn new things and at the same time to contribute to their company as well and plus of course to earn some xtra pocket money.... as i was so sick of just staying at home and just let my natural intelligence and talents to go to waste....ahhemmmmm! haha. i seriously love learning new things as i'm a type of person who will get bored easily after doing the same things repetitively..... i need.... new challenges... new adventures.....i need to feed my brain with new information every now and then.... it's the only way that i can keep my brain alive!! that's why i totally love reading! not textbooks of course....haha.... i basically read everything other than my textbooks.... i read cereal boxes, posters on the walls... basically i'll just read anything and everything with words....
so... some of you might ask me whether, will i go back to cashiering again someday... after i've gotten over this incident....the answer is NO.... cozzz... honestly... i'm getting sick of it already.. haha... and it has only been a mere 3 weeks... haha... i swear that if i ever have to hand out anymore vouchers.. i'll seriously go mental!!

ok.....so there i was sitting in a corner refusing to follow orders....telling them that i wouldnt do anything until my parents are contacted....until there was this bloody guard who shouted at me telling me that on the count to three..... if i still refused to follow the orders than, he would call the cops.... so.... fine... he counted.... 1..... 2........2 and a half... 2 and a 3 quarters...................."OK... WHatever.. FINE!! I'll do it" i said. so there goes my body search.. but i managed to negotiate with the female guard to conduct only a 50% body search which means that she'll do it part by part and i was allowed to cover it with my t-shirt..... when i was asked to remove my underwear eventhough i had my t-shirt to cover..... i just couldnt stop the tears from flowing.. as it was so damn fcuking embarassing and humiliating....
so there.... that's my body search story... and after that i was asked to write a report..... damn!!

so, after the incident, when i entered my car and checked my phone, i saw a total of 20 freaking miscalls.... and all of them were from my parents...... cozzz i was supposed to be back by 12.30a.m. and it was already 2a.m. and there was still no signs of me... i guess they were worried sick!! who wouldnt be? they must have thought that maybe i was involved in a car accident or i was kidnapped or i was raped and stuff..so.. when i finally reached home.... and told my parents about the whole incident, they were kinda pissed off with the guards..... but after they have sort of cooled down a little... they started lecturing and scolding me instead on how could i be so careless and they even scolded me on my part for trying to be a smart ass and for not asking for assistance when i encountered such problems..... well...... i do have to admit that, the shortage is fully my mistake, my own carelessnesss......i've no one else to blame but myself for my own silliness and serious lack of judgement and for being so ignorant about the subsequent consequences..should i add my stupidity? haha... well, i guess the problem with me is that i always assume that i'm greater and smarter than anyone.. and that i wouldnt seek for assistance when i needed asssistance the most.... i always assumed that i've the inborn ability to handle matters on my own....and i dont need anyone's assistance.... well, looks like i have to learn it the hard way... i have the thirst for learning but this is one bloody painful lesson to be learned. i'll swallow my pride take the lesson i guess... i suppose that i'm left with no choice. it's a do or die thing you know.... life is a continuous learning process.... if you stop learning....it's as if you stop living all together. i guess i need to broaden up my mind and learn to take in criticisms and learn to learn from others and the most important lesson of all... is to learn to not think too highly of myself......... if you people know what i mean.... ahaha... self confidence is a good thing.... too much of it can actually harm, drown and even kill you.... haha...

but i really think that it is absolutely absurd and ridiculous to ask or shall i say force someone to strip completely. i mean.. yeah... it might be the company policy and all... and the guards were like telling me that they wouldnt force me to strip. it's either i strip or i dont. and if i dont.... then they'll call the cops... yeah right... there they told and assured me that they wouldnt force me to strip but there they were yelling on top of their lungs and threatening me to strip.... they are just a bunch of bloody hypocrites.. hypocrites.... they are everywhere...aint they?? the more i tried to avoid hypocrites in this life of mine... more of them are popping up everywhere like mushrooms....well, i guess there are certain things in life which i cannot avoid.. so.. i guess.. i just have to bear with it. again, it's part and parcel of life.....

i'm damn sure that if the management really made an effort to put their heads together to think of a better solution for shortages or theft in their company.. they would have definitely came up with something better... something that wouldnt... u know... subject their employees to shame, embarassment and humiliation. maybe they can have an x-tray scanner to scan for the money or something like that...something that wouldnt require their employees to strip completely... including their undergarments... i know that some other shopping malls.. would ask their cashiers to pay whatever shortages that they have.... i think that might be a better solution. and when the cashiers know that they would have to pay for their own carelessness. i'm sure the cashiers would be more careful with their till aka drawer's money.

after that incident.... do you guys think that i would still continue to work there??!! after all the bloody shame and humiliation that i have been subjected to?? it's a total NO NO!! at first i thought... that if i'm innocent... why on earth should i quit right? only the guilty ones quit... and that maybe i should continue working to prove that i'm innocent and that it was just some lame technical error....and to prove to them that i could be a good cashier.... but after some deep thinking and opinion searching.. i thought.... heck NO!! the embarassment is just so totally unbearable!! the scar is there.....what is done is done.... what i've gone through.. is through... and i had to face the bloody guards who watched me strip and who threatened me every damn day!! everyone in the cashiering department knows that i went through a 100% body search!! and whenever they see me.. they would give me a weird sort of stare as if to say.. "that's the girl who just went for a complete body search" it so fcuking embarassing! and i cant swallow it any longer.... all i can say is that well i tried to put it behind me and move on.... but sorry...the memories of it is still haunting me..... the image of that incident is still very clear in my head..
some people told me that... why the hell should you care what people think of you?? and if they want to stare.... that's their freaking problem anyways... yeah they might be true in a way....
and my parents too on the other hand think that it's best that i resign cozzz... i certainly didnt deserve to be treated the way they treated me that day... the way that i was treated was as if i was guilty of murder of the first degree. u know.... like in the movies where the suspect refused to co-operate... then the cops start to bash them up.. well.. i swear. one of the male guards almost slapped me that day....as i was being damn stubborn... haha well that's me.. and no one can change that...

well, right after the incident i smsed my section manager... and told him about the whole thing....
well, before i tell you what he advised me to do.. let's just say that we, the cashiers can discuss basically anything and everything with him....and anytime.. even at 3a.m. in the morning... at least that was what i did haha...well, he told me that he too believe that i didnt steal the money and that i was innocent but right after the shortage was discovered.. he hurriedly searched my dustbin and basically every nook and corner of my counter to see whether i have stashed the money anywhere or not.... another bloody hypocrite....... i hate hypocrites so much but i just have to meet them almost everyday in my life!! sheesh...
and he told me to treat this incident as a lesson and that i would never get such an experience in university!! and that with this experience.... i'll be made into a better person... what the shit is he talking about anyways??!! hell yeah!! who the hell wants such a traumatizing experience!! honestly, i rather not have such an experience!! and he asked me to take it easy and that it was a very, very normal case!! if that's normal that what the heck is abnormal?? have sex with the guards to prove your innocence??!! sheesh..... and he told me that i gave up too easily without a fight... and that i surrendered before i lose..... well, seriously after that incident.... i feel that there's nothing for me to fight for anymore and i dont have the passion and the motivation to work there anymore........
what's more.... i think i dont have to prove to them anything!!

ok... i'm damn pissed off right now..... the only therapy for me is to think happy thoughts..... haa...... and one of my self assurance thought is that i'll be leaving in.. er today's thursday.....so.. 5 days time!! yeay.... bye bye sad place!!

well, honestly, working as a cashier is not really that bad at all... it's only when you experienced such a thing only all the negative thoughts and vibes will surround you. i was pretty much a damn happy kid when i started working as a cashier in Tesco. All the section leaders were a nice and helpful bunch of people and the other cashiers were really friendly. i actually was beginning to love cashiering....but unfortunately.... all my love for it has ebbed away........ so sad.....
Cashiering can indeed be fun.. it was during my days as a cashier that i managed to meet my super old friends and schoolmates... and even ex-school teachers.... it was sort of like a reunion gathering for me.....and everyday.. i sort of looked forward to go to work because i was hoping that i would meet more of my old and long lost friends and of course i was kinda proud to be part of the cashiering team. but all of those have to end now....

Life goes on.... yet again for me.... i guess i better speed up on my job searching process.. or else i might end up doing nothing again for a very long time. but i might try to apply to be a nursery teacher as my mum told me that there are lots of nurseries in malacca.. looking for teachers. yeap, looks like that's my destination to be..... nurseries... here i come!! and yeay, i'll get to bully small kids and make them cry.......ahahaa...

goodbye tesco...... hello nurseries!!

i'm trying very hard to better myself every single day. such an incident is something that i truly need to know that i'm not perfect.. and to discover what my weaknesses are.....and to learn from my mistakes and to ensure that such downfalls do not happen again....i guess, i still have lots to learn... in this life of mine.... whatever it is....whatever challenges.... whatever obstacles.....both good or bad..i'll welcome them all with open arms.....

well, now that i have cooled down a little....i'm beginning to see the incident from a different point of view and angle....overall, i think this is quite a valuable lesson to be learned..... something that i'll er....... cherish?? for the rest of my life?? ahha.....

that's all for now.... till then.....


At 6:07 AM, Blogger kermit said...

What the FARK???!!! I can't believe that u had to go through all that? Were is the justice?!!! In fact I am utterly speechless after reading that post.
Darn angry now. How dare they treat my buddy like that???! Fark them of go to hell the guards. Fark fark fark fark all the way.
I wanna spell the correct spelling for FCUK but I can't as I could be BANNED frm blogspot!
I swear I will give the guards a hard time if I ever need to deal with them. Who knows I can accuse them of stealing my bag or whatsoever, then force them to strip. I am darned pissed off. What have u done to deserve all that.
Sorry for all the cursing and wish that God would bless you even more.

At 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wahlau!! It’s TESCO weh…not any unknown lil hyper market. And come on!! It’s juz RM 50!!! Can't they deduct from your salary? Fine…if they accuse you of stealing and want you to go for normal body search, let them. But if they force you to strip, DON’T!!!! If they threaten to report to the police, LET THEM!!! Audrey, if you were thinking of saving the trouble, then it wasn’t a wise decision afterall.. Threaten them back and say after reporting to the police and if they can’t find any money on you or you’re found innocent, you’re dad is a lawyer and has many lawyer frens and you’ll file a lawsuit if so.

If they wanna make it that big, join in. If I were you Audrey u know what I’ll do or say? If they dare to lay a hand on me, to slap me or what-so-ever, I’ll definitely charge them for assault and threatening. Sometimes, your words may be able to give impact without the need to executing it!

You can consider to SUE them after this incident! Get help from your parents, your dad especially! They can be sued under whatever section for humiliating. Trust me, you dun wanna get accused and stripped for nothing. If I were you, they mess with the wrong gal!


At 5:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wah Au-Di Girl! You are one tough nut. You know what? I so proud of you for holding out for even that long. That is so impressive.
But when they refuse to let you call your parents I think that is too much. I would've really talked till get nosebleed but then again, it's just me. I swear man! This is wrong. Did you know even in the police station, if you masuk lokap also, you are allowed one phone call? And it really is ONE phone call till the other party pick up? Not call once, nobody pick up and you loose it. Ask them lah? I seriously doubt they dare to call the police without evidence. I am not kidding. Where is the evidence? Ask them to look through their surveillance tapes lah. Since they like to video people here and there!
Really man. Like Agnes said, you should have threaten them back. Ah well.
Your supervisor also another ubi kayu. Why didn't he do something? Wah lau eh? So angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But anyway, it is some kinda life experience. And WTF about cannot experience it in uni? You say lah, if this stripping thing happen in uni, then most probably it's some kinda daterape drug man! What the!!!!!

At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

agreed with what anonymous said on top there! u sholdn't hav give in. if they slap u, u can always sue them.n u should ask them to prove that there is such rule whereby u hav to strip naked.ask them to show u the papers.besides u can't even call your parents?? WTF !!! yeah if i were u i would hav told them this " i will only strip if my parents are here n if u dont find any RM50 on me i will sue u back" besides, your dad is a lawyer so why worry???
n u should irk them a little by saying im bloody rich y would i wanna steal RM50?? RM50 is peanuts to me...but i know its a lot for GUARDS like u guys. hahahaha


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