Thursday, August 11, 2005

a friend in need is a friend indeed.

well, now is really a good time to see for myself who my true friends are as i deal with this ordeal of mine. Friends are supposed to be there for you, through thick and thin, through good times and bad times. You may have tonnes of friends but out of that tonnes of friends, how many are actually your true friends, friends who are concern about you and care for you, and will watch your back just as you watch theirs. Friendship evolves around a simple word "TRUST".True friends will stand by you in good times and bad times, in sickness and in health, rich or poor, bla bla bla, till death do us part... well, it sure sounds like the wedding oath, aint it? well, I personally think that, that vow and oath can be applied to friendships as well.
I too know that inspite of the presence of true friends, there are also the type of "friends" who only wants to be around you during the good times and when you're having some rough times in life, you can hardly even see their shadows. They're gone like the wind. They sort of disappeared to Godknows where. They're MIA( MIssing In ACtion). There are too "friends" that are such a bunch of fakers and posers. There are "friends" who are nothing more than opportunists and backstabbers.
Some "friends" will only give you a call whenever they needed a favour.... and they'll never do you a favour in return when you needed it...some friends huh?

one thing's for sure, i'll definitely cherish and appreciate those genuine friends.. as it's damn hard to get such friends these days. well, i dont intend to whine about this friendship shit. If you ask me, it's damn immature, such a waste of time and childish of me to be even blogging about this right now. i've more pressing matters to think about and to deal with. here are some of them:

1) i seriously need to get a hair cut.
2) I need to get my eyes rechecked, as i'm starting to get blurred vision again.
3) damn, i'm getting fat.
4) i need more sleep!! 5 hours of it is DEFINITELY not sufficient..
5) Is wacko jacko innocent or guilty?
6) have i bathed my dogs? the obvious answer is NO!!
7) where the hell is osama bin laden??
8) understand the minds of osama, saddam, suicide bombers and the entire al-qaedda crew.

9)why aint anyone doing anything about the goddamn traffic lights, that are from the first turning out of my housing area's junction right up to the EON building. Those damn lights have EXTREMely bad timing, and every morning when i leave for work, which is between 7.25a.m. to 7.30a.m., i've to deal with the jam. Imagine, the first time the lights turned green,no movement at all; second, slight movement, and if you're lucky you'll get pass the lights the third time. occasionally there might be a traffic cop, directing the traffic. but the cop too was MIA today. well, maybe he was there, but he was overshadowed by the thick haze. ahhahaha and the traffic lights around the free trade zone in batu berendam are always 2 minutes long!!

10) my workload in the office is piling up sky high, damn stressful and bummed out!!

11) the cafeteria's food kept repeating... i had rojak in 2 weeks!!.... but then again.... i shouldnt complain...

well, as you can see, i've got my hands full. But an incident prompted me to start you know, thinking about this. and it involved people who i assumed all this while as my close friends. it happened when i met these friends of mine online. here are two samples of the conversation which took place last night... well, if you guys can even call it a conversation at all.... that is....well, here goes....
O, i wont be putting in their real names of course as I'm sure that you guys know these people.

me: whassup
avril lavigne: hi
me: how's life?
avril: ..............
me: Congratulations!!
me: how's work?
me: er hello?
me: are you there??
me: u DC or something??
avril: avril lavigne has signed out. all your messages will be sent as offline messages.. somethin' like that......

what the......??

second example....

me:hello whassup?
pamela anderson:..............
me: are you there?
me: hello?
pamela: pammie anderson has signed out.

ok here are the two chats that took place last night.......

If at all so, that avril was busy and she gotta go, will it kill her in anyways to just say "hey gotta go. bye" will it??? please tell me....

and about pammie anderson, i have no idea what's up with her. it's either she's not at her desk at that particular moment or somethin' i dont know. it's funny though, if she wasnt at her desk? how on earth could she signed off?? or maybe who on earth signed off for her or maybe what?? SPOOKY!!! Now that's amazing!!

guess what? i've just been DISSED by my very own 2 close friends!! what the shit was that all about?? can someone please enlighten me on that?? maybe not....

anyways, i just couldnt give a damn about those 2 people. if they want to be so immature, rude and childish!! GO GET A LIFE!!!!
at least now i know what sort of people they really are....
i saw their true colours that day..... i saw their hidden stripes.....
bloody two headed snakes!!
I'm not gonna sink to their level as that'll only make me worse than them!!!
I wish the both of them all the best.........

can anyone save me from such people?



At 9:07 PM, Blogger cutie_rocker83 said...

I agree there ARE frens in life who only comes to you when they need you to do them favors. When you’re no longer needed, she/he’s off to others for god-knows-what purpose. I can’t remember if I have such frens, maybe it happened b4, maybe not, it’s weird that I dun remember…But im lucky to have frens who wouldn’t mind listening to my problem Im facing lately though. Also those who were really there for me when im down..including you too my fren.

As for those ‘conversation’, how long has it been from the time you said hi till they logged off?

“guess what? i've just been DISSED by my very own 2 close friends!! what the shit was that all about?? can someone please enlighten me on that?? maybe not....”

Ppl who dunno will mistaken it for me and Joanna, bagher! Wahahahah…

At 1:13 AM, Blogger thelinkinparkster said...


that "2 close friends" are definitely not you or joanna. hehe

and that "conversation" with avril lasted for about er...10 to 20 mins maybe.. and pammie, lasted for about 5 mins or less. as just as i said hi..she sort of logged off.....


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