Tuesday, December 15, 2009


What's up mi Amigos.

Yes, that's right. The Auds is currently suffering from a bloody bad CONJUNCTIVITIS aka eye infection aka sore eyes aka pink eyes. Yes, so my both eyes are now pretty much bloodshot and swollen. The funny thing is, it's not itchy at all but damn freaking painful. I have been suffering from it since last Saturday and today's Wednesday and i'm still suffering from it. Bloody hell.

I was on medical leave on Monday and Tuesday, and due to all the phone calls within that 2 days and the thought of my workload piling up is pretty depressing which caused serious sleep deprivation. Heck i even dreamnt about work. Voila, i am back to work today, though i'm still having sore eyes. yes, yes, i know i am a very responsible employee...^^ Actually, my boss gave me a morning call today because she missed me too much... tja^^

My colleague had it first on last Thursday and i was in quite close contact with her, erm workwise, and not those naughty stuff, so dont let your imagination run wild, guys ^^hehe. Friday was a holiday for us Selangor people, many thanks to the Sultan of Selangor in lieu of his birthday. I was fine then. On Saturday afternoon, hey presto, i caught the damn bug. Bloody fucked up buggers.bloody hell. Lucky me. (with absolutely no pun intended whatsoever)

I was pumping my eyes with Optrex since then, but unfortunately, Optrex failed to do what Optrexes supposed to do. Damn Optrex. So i had to visit a doctor to get my medical leave and also the relevant antibiotics to kill the buggers.

Anyway, since i have been pumping myself with antibiotic eyedrops and am high with antibiotics, i really hope to recover immediately and be fully recovered by Friday because i have a cool CHRISTMAS party to attend on this Friday (18.12.2009).

Can smell chestnuts roasting by the open fire already... ^^

will blog more when i have the time. busy with work

gotta run.

Buena Noches


Tuesday, December 08, 2009

I miss..

1)Playing Squash
2)Rock climbing
3)Mountain Hiking
4)The beach and Ocean
5)Scuba Diving
6)Rollerblading and Ice skating
7)Cheese Fondue
8)The Jokes
9)The Laughter
10)My maternal grandmother
11)My indian Brother
12)My bestest buds in London

It comes and goes, comes and goes

Just an update:

1. I have applied for leave from work from the 24th of December until the 31st of December 2009. I intend to take a break from the crazy working world and just unwind a little. But, the bad news, it has not been approved yet by my boss. Bummer.

2. My family eye doctor has diagnosed that I'm suffering from very tired and exhausted eye muscles,which is caused by being infront of the PC for too long hours and sleep deprivation, which results in the feeling of very tired, watery and sore eyes. The cure for this is more sleep, spend lesser hours infront of the PC, and eye drops. But out of the 3, i'm only using eye drops. Hence, still sufffering from exhausted eye muscles. ^^

3. I was supposed to participate in an Inter-TESCO(Malaysia) futsal tournament on the 12th of December 2009,I was so looking forward to it, but unfortunately,I was forced to pull out due to an aggravated left knee injury (possible strained meniskus) during a recent jogging session.

My knee felt a little tight, painful and strange whilst i was doing my 1.30 hours jogging session on last Sunday but i continued anyway, thinking it was just tiredness. I was already feeling some strains on my left knee for at least a year now but since the pain was minimum, i brushed it aside. This time around though, the pain is a little bit more obvious to the fact that it hurts when i stand, walk, and when i'm not doing anything.

So, to avoid any serious damage which could lead to a knee surgery, i have made a tough and sad decision to be on a few weeks hiatus from sports until the pain in my knee subsides. If you know me well enough, hiatus from sports is a big NO, NO for Auds.

I'm a sports lover, I love playing sports on an almost daily basis. If i dont play sports i will feel half dead, lifeless, tired,stressed up and lousy. Yes, I'm weird. Sports is like a daily energy booster for me. NO SPORTS= BLOOD COLD MURDER. NO JOGGING+NO BADMINTON+NO SQUASH+NO SWIMMING+NO FUTSAL= RESTLESS, BORED AND MUTILATED AUDS.

Bonne Chance Auds!

Sunday, December 06, 2009

I better watch out... I better not cry....

....I better not pout, i'm telling you why, because santa claus is coming to town. He knows when i'm sleeping, he knows when i'm awake, he knows when i have been bad or good so i'll be good just for presents sake :p

So Mr.Santa, please bring me loads of presents because i have been a really, really good little angel this year.* innocent face* I'll serve a plateful of delicious chocolate chip cookies and a glass of fresh warm milk just for you.teheeheehe

Ok, you guys must be thinking," man, Auds has finally lost it. She has gone all wacky and crazy and has finally crashed under the pressures of the ungodly and inhumane world". Auds has finally gone all bonkers..

ok, chill. So before you guys raise a code red and google for the nearest psychiatrist in town, just relax guys, i'm fine, really, i guess.^^ still there's no cause for alarm.

I'm just really excited and happy and really,really looking forward to the best and my favourite time of the year, a time filled with infinite, indescribable joy, cheer, laughter, happiness, a time for family to get together and bond and treasure each other, a time for christmas delights, christmas turkeys with stuffings and cranberry sauce (my all time favourite and it's one of the many reasons why i look forward to christmas every year. the taste is oh so heavenly..^^), christmas puddings, fruitcakes, eggnogs, loads of food,chocolates and wine and of course the presents. So, yes, I'm talking about the CHRISTMAS.

Christmas has always been magical to me. There's something about Christmas that just lifts up the downest of spirits,brings laughter, puts a smile on everyone's face, inregards of the young, old, poor, rich, the sick.Christmas always has a magical feeling and brings cheer to everyone. It's a time of giving and forgiving. Whereby the worse foes, arch enemies, grudge-stricken people,come together, inspite of all odds, just put everything aside, let everything go, learn to forgive and just share and enjoy the joy and magic of Christmas. Christmas is all about LOVE. Christmas is about healing. There's nothing a warm eggnog and glass of wine cant heal :p

I cant wait for Christmas. it's only a mere 2 weeks away... Here comes santa claus, here comes santa claus... Yes,I still do believe in Santa Claus.

Do you know that each and everytime when somebody says that they dont believe in Santa Claus, a santa claus drops dead in the North Pole? Ahh.... now you know. ^^
It's true. :p.

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