CNY 2010
The weather has been o so crazily freakishly blazingly bloody hot. I hate hot weathers. Because i more often than not feel sick, feel very tired and get bad migraines because of it. I'm coming down with a fever, sore throat and a flu already. damn it and today is only the 4th day of CNY.. bummer. On the bright side,i still have 11 days to celebrate, to stuff myself with food,to drunk myself with booze, gamble and collect loads of angpows. Plus i have every reason to leave the office early, everyday for the next 11 days... muahahaha. Lady luck is on my side this year as i'm on a winning streak at the gambling tables ^^
Anyways, Chinese new year celebrations this year was alright, albeit it was a very short holiday for me. It was of course an absolute pleasure and great to be home again and to be surrounded by people who loves me the most: my family. The food and booze was great, angpows were even better, gambling was fun, though my mind was often else where. The open house party was fun. It's nice to be surrounded by friends.
I'm now back in kl. I've to stop now as i've currently working. Reality bites. Guten tag
I Still Miss You
A year has passed and i still miss you very much.
A year has passed and there's never a single day that i dont think of you.
A year has passed and not a single second, minute, or hour of the day in this life of mine, that i dont love you, miss you and think of you.
Do you know what it's like to still love you and miss you so much when i know that i can never get you back?
Do you know what it's like to not be able to see you, talk to you, hold and hug you anymore, when i love you so much?
Do you know what is it like to live and drown everyday and everynight in memories of us?
Do you know what is it like to live everyday hoping that things would be different, that this is just a dream?
Do you know what is it like to hope that i could turn back the clock to undo things that have been said or done?
Do you know what is it like to live everyday knowing that no matter what i do, i can never get u back?
Do you know what is it like living everyday loving you and knowing that you dont give a fuck about me?
Do you know that a year has passed, i'm still living everyday, still missing you and loving you, longing to see u, talk to you and hug you again, even if i've been given only one more day to live?
I know you dont.
It's ok. No matter what, i still do.
I'm doing well.
I'll just have to grit my teeth and soldier on.
Same time next year. Till Then.
Ich Vermisse Dich Ganz Ganz Fest