hey people, i might be taking a short hiatus from blogging. dont get me wrong, it's not like i hate blogging or something.... i LOVE blogging.. but sadly, time is not on my side.... having only 24 hours a day is definitely not enough...and it's the biggest factor for my decided break from the blogging world. and the reason for my limited time is because of the new project that i'm currently working on.just so you know, i've extended my working hours from 7.55a.m. till 8.3op.m. , mondays to fridays, definitely, and it's all thanks to the RoHS project. The project is one hell of a tedious project i tell you.... and the first stage of the project is due next month!!! and i'm so freaking dead because i've just started on that project. bless me! and do you know what's worse, if time is still running against me, i might have to do the project at home as well... bloody hell.... bye bye... t.v., bye bye.. internet, goodbye EVERYTHING!! and my life has just gotten lamer....
and i cannot focus 100% on that RoHS project alone because i still have to issue Incoming Reports and offset the purchase orders against the incoming reports as well... and trust me those damn incoming reports come in truckloads.... ahaa... just kidding......
The Rohs project has just started and it's already draining the life out of me!! most of my friends who have known me for a very, very long time, know that i dont have a single pimple on my face before. not ONE!! i do not even have a single pimple when my hormones ravaged through my body during puberty.. i'm not kidding! and all of a sudden, right now, pimples are popping out on my face like bloody mushrooms, ever since i started working on that Rohs project... that project is damn bloody confusing, complicated and stressful... i've like 100 part numbers to do research on and i've only completed 3 of them!! job is to search through the internet on these parts' maximum heating temperature, the heating time limit, amount of moisture that these parts are allowed to be exposed to, what are they coated with..what are the structures and components for each and every part...... yadaa yada yada...... . it took me a whole 3 hours to find the information for the 3 parts... means i'll need about 97 freaking hours more to complete the first stage of that project. my most frequently visited websites are not friendster, yahoo,msn...etc anymore... guess what they are?...... ,, and etc....... and many other sites with the same theme... ELECTRICAL PARTS!!!! ARGH!!!! maybe these sites may not be that bad for the diodes, capacitors..... enthusiasts... and i'm definitely NOT one of them.. thanks goodness for that.
on the bright side, this project aint that bad. i have learned alot of new things and gained alot of new and useful information... and i'm still learning as there are lots of things that are yet to be learned. KNOWLEDGE is power right?? and i'm still sucking in alot of new information about those diodes and stuff....
those technical jargons were kinda foreign to me at first, but i think i'm getting a hang of it now.. at least.... some of them..... ahahhaha...
well, i'll TRY to post some new stuff once in a while, that's if i HAVE the TIME......
ok.. that's all for now....
busy days ahead....